How much notice do you have to give?
furacin crema generico They include such stalwarts as Jeffrey Wright and Amanda Plummer as Beetee and Wiress, two asocial geniuses whose brains set them apart from the other contestants’ brawn. Philip Seymour Hoffman drops in from the Land of Difficult Movies as Plutarch Heavensbee, a master gamemaker with an ironic gleam in his eye. The most unexpected treat may be Jena Malone as Johanna Mason, a contestant who’s older, wiser, and much angrier about the whole charade than Katniss dares to be. Once the unwilling players are deposited in the new arena — a jungle valley with an oddly segmented lagoon — “Catching Fire” mostly avoids armed conflict for the dramatic suspense of alliance and survival. “Remember who the real enemy is,” is a line said more than once, and the movie wants its audience to remember, too.